Fairy forest
Fairy forest along the Killeshandra loop walk
Safe swim area
Enclosed outdoor swimming area
Hub office space
Possibly set up of Hub office space, could be available for neighbouring counties. May attract people to live from large towns and cities.
Forest mountain Cycle trail
As cycling is becoming more part of people lives a forest cycle trail using mountain bikes would be great addition to area.
Integrate UN sustainable development goals
Landscape as an asset . UN Decade of habitat restoration . Local Landscape analysis. Doghnut economics . Natural capital accounting . Link with academic resources , shared Island resources Linking with Cuilcagh lakelands Geopark . Local landscape mapping . Long established woodland mapping. (High biodiversity High soil Carbon sink )
Extend the Erne waterway Navigation system from Belturbet through killykeen and onto killeshandra
With the regeneration of killykeen Forest Park and a range of new businesses staring to use it , now is the ideal time to canvas local politicians and waterways Ireland to look at extending the navigation system , it is a long term project but if successful one that would deliver long term to the local area
Invest in Killeshandra
Those who live or work in Killeshandra might also consider its future as a community/town after Covid has left its mark. It is time therefore for Lakeland Dairies to show responsibility for the wear and tear on our town and the demise in its population and services. We have community centre debts and we need help to enable us to recover, about 100k would put us back in business.
Railway Station Renovation
Create a commercial or community enterprise at the Railway Station. This would save the heritage building from dereliction & enhance the townscape